My truck was recently hit by a woman driver chit chatting on her cell phone with young kids in the car. My dually rear axle shifted and was bent and the forged alloy wheel compressed like a spit ball...Her car (a borrowed, unregistered, uninsured beater car) was totaled and her every air bag went off... The left rear camper jack was ripped off causing $5k damage to the camper alone...Even though I was not at fault (thus my rates won’t go up), the deductible had to come from my pocket because she was uninsured (yes, this is the way policies are written when insurance companies can’t recover!!)...I feel very lucky that I had a separate policy on the camper...
FWIW, the Sacramento Cop didn’t care one single bit that she was on her cell phone, or that her borrowed car was unregistered, or uninsured... He freely stated that his sole purpose was to determine if there were any injuries (this is the ONLY THING that will trigger the writing of an accident report - lol! : ( , and to inform her of her obligation to have her car towed!!...Lucky for me (absent accident report...) there were witnesses, thus my rates didn’t go UP!!
A real wake up call - Good Luck
3 tons