I’ve never been over GVWR for my F450 that is 14500. The F450 turns much tighter than even a SC F350 SRW. Of course, the brakes are much better as well.
I was overweight a few years ago. I found the Atkins diet to be helpful. ;)
Coincidentally, it corresponded with buying a SRW. At the time that I was looking, the generally school of thought was 10% wasn’t a big deal. I’d basically agree with that. Still, I added 19.5s for more room for error for the tires. I owned a SRW because a DRW simply wouldn’t work for my DD at the time. The parking garages just didn’t have enough room for a DRW/CC.
Later, I traded for a DRW/CC because even the SRW/SC was too big when I changed jobs. I will say the DW was more bothered by the SRW than the DRW. That’s pretty amazing considering that we carry absolutely everything we want including towing a TT for one trip with the additional people. DW drives and drove both.
I never felt comfortable doing that with the SRW. Instead, we carried the minimum which included minimum water and allways dumpted our tanks as soon as possible. A full or nearly full Black tank was really impactful on handling for the SRW. The DRW doesn’t care.