Practical experience here. Our former combination of the truck in my signature and a 2013 Eagle Cap 850.
We traveled all over the northeast U.S. and Canada. The truck has airbags inflated to 30-35#, Rancho 9000 shocks, 3970# rated tires and a BigWig sway bar.
Never had any sweaty palm moments when driving. Truck handled like it just had a heavy load in the bed, nothing bad.
Never felt unsafe. I wouldn't risk our lives if I ever felt otherwise.
Coming back from a trip we happened to drive by a CAT scale. The camper had about 25 gallons of fresh water and our gear/clothing/etc. Wife and I in the cab with her two large dogs in the back seat.
The truck had a GVWR sticker of 9500#.
Here's my CAT scale print out. We were on the road and 2280# over GVWR.

The reason why we now have a 5th wheel is because SWMBO wanted a couch, dry bath and a bed that she didn't have to launch herself into to go to sleep. I was happy with the TC.