Forum Discussion

pondmn's avatar
Jun 15, 2014

overload springs for 10 Chevy dually

I upgraded to a 2012 Eagle Cap 1160 double slide camper and am due to pick it up in a week. We are selling our 2008 Arctic Fox 990 in order to upgrade. I drive a Chevy dually with diesel. I pull a 20' Boulton aluminum boat behind my camper. I have no aftermarket overload springs yet and am considering some. What are my options. Do I need overloads. I previously had air bags on my prior truck and was not happy with them. Can some one give me some advice and info. thanks Jerry
  • I'm sure your truck does have factory overload springs. I assume you mean in addition to that. I have had air bags and multiple trucks and liked them. If I didn't use air bags I would second the vote for SuperSprings.
  • SuperSprings! All you need to know. Call them.

    The Supersprings that I put on my f-250 made a night and day difference.
  • Fred Do you recommend aftermarket helpers. thanks Jerry
  • Why no overload springs? If they do not come from the factory, then you do not need them. Some owners have removed the overload springs to make the ride smoother, but hopefully that did not happen to your truck.

    As long as you have 2-3" clearance between the top of the tire and bottom of the wheelwell, you are fine. The truck is designed to sag a little bit while loaded. If the springs did not settle about 1" per 750 pounds added to the truck, then you would ride like a lumber wagon.
