Having a physics brain fart, looking for confirmation on where I should load 8' ATV ramps for tightest turning radius with 6' 8" bed.
Tailgate is off, 8' steel load ramps sticking out, but sit 3" in front of plane down thru middle of hitch ball. Put the in center or on outside of bed? Which provides the most clearance?
My kayaks made me nervous sticking out the back and being close to front of trailer so I bought some racks and carry the kayaks on them, with very little hanging past the back of the truck.. perhaps you could do the same if the ramps end up too close.
Center. I do this with my utility trailer, except long boards are over the utility trailer and not the bed of the truck. My utility trailer bed is 10 feet long. I often haul 16 foot long boards. 3 feet over the tongue, and 3 feet over the back end... right down the middle. It misses the tailgate of truck by just a few inches, but doesn't matter which direction I turn, the closest point will be with truck and trailer are straight.
Your's would be opposite overhanging the tailgate of the truck, but the closest point would be when the truck and trailer are straight. If you put them to the side, it will hit the trailer when you turn the direction of that side.