Forum Discussion

RamblinAnne's avatar
Jun 29, 2017

Re/moving Antenna to fit Solar Panels

So I was up on my roof the other day measuring out some possible locations for solar panels. As all you TCers know, roof real estate is precious. I already have 2 fans, an AC unit, a shower skylight, a refrigerator vent, a massive TV antenna AND a radio antenna. All of them are pretty necessary except the antennas. Even though I don't use the TV antenna, I'm thinking I'll just leave it because a) it's already there b) I read that it's good for resale and c) I heard it can cause leak issues if removed (are these statements true??).

But this darn radio antenna is in the worst possible spot. Right where I want to put one of the panels. I don't even know how to lift the thing.. it's clearly useless. Before I go ripping this thing out, I just want to make sure I'm not going to mess anything up. Do I simply unscrew and pry it off?? Are there any wires that it's connected to? If so, do I just snip them? Do I just dicor the **** out of it once it's out? Or should I use that eternabond stuff? What about some marine epoxy to patch up the screw holes (I have a fiberglass roof)?

So what do we all think? Should I remove this thing? Or am I opening up a can of worms by doing so?
  • TxGearhead wrote:
    See if that gives you enough clearance for the panels.

    Didn't even think that I might not need to remove it if there's enough clearance. Thanks for the tip! I'll check this before ripping stuff out.
  • work2much wrote:
    BTW, checked out your blog of the remodel of the Bigfoot. We used to have the same model. Nice job on the revamp. Looking at your skills you won't have any problem with the antenna!

    Nice rig for sure!

    Thank you!! I really need to update with more pics now that I'm living in there and it's all homey.
  • RamblinAnne wrote:
    Do I just dicor the **** out of it once it's out? Or should I use that eternabond stuff? What about some marine epoxy to patch up the screw holes (I have a fiberglass roof)?

    Don't use dicor unless you want to keep reapplying every few years.

    Use Sikaflex polyurethane premium caulk or Sika self leveling caulk.

    I'll probably use eternabond when I remove our satellite dish and put another solar panel up.
  • Look at it real close. There may be a phillips head screw at the base. If there is, loosen the screw and fold the antennae down horizontal, or just remove the screw and the antennae mast. See if that gives you enough clearance for the panels.
    Yes there will be a wire from the antennae to the radio. If the above procedure doesn't give you enough clearance you may have to remove the base from the roof. After that I would maybe? cover the hole with a piece of stainless steel sheetmetal screwed down with Dicor under and over it.
  • BTW, checked out your blog of the remodel of the Bigfoot. We used to have the same model. Nice job on the revamp. Looking at your skills you won't have any problem with the antenna!

    Nice rig for sure!
  • Yes, unscrew and pry it off. If there isn't any way to detach the wires cut them. Fill all the holes with dicor sealant or eternabond tape. Either should work if installed well.

    If you don't use the radio antenna no reason to worry about it. Unlikely someone will devalue the camper later for not having a working radio antenna.

    Should be a pretty easy job.