Wow, I am amazed at the amount of responses to this thread already. Thanks to all that have answered so far.
I watched a video advertising the RV Armor where they come to you and prep your roof, and roll the stuff on in stages. That stuff looks great, but I am curious about pricing. I seen someone say $170 per linear foot.
I do have an interior remodel in mind, but that isn't a priority right now.
I stopped at my parents' house and looked at an old cargo trailer earlier today. The roof is metal, and it came down to the molding strips on the side, that look the same as my trailer has. I felt the edges in several spots, and it didn't seem to have sealant there. The roof had panels on top as well, but it is an old trailer in not-so-super shape.
I can pick up a roll of the EPDM roof membrane for about $225 I think. Again, this is feeling out the possibilities there. I have watched a video on youtube of a homemade trailer a guy made with the burgundy metal roofing, but it doesn't show the roof and how it is sealed up. He tubed up a frame on a utility trailer, about 16', then used that metal all around. He says it does fine for them.
When I eventually dive into the remodel project, I will have done plenty of research on roofing, as well as interior mods and possibilities. I wanna do it well, and do it right.