There certainly is a market for these small popup and non popup campers these days. I wonder what the reasoning is? I would think of course the first would be monetary, even though they can be very pricy they are not as pricy as the triple slides. The trucks to haul them can be tiny in comparison and of course price, upkeep and fuel factor into that. I actually think it might be the generation that has gone back to the city. I grew up in NYC and can tell you without a days bus ride or a car there was no getting out of the city. But a small Toyota and a tiny popup would certainly be an option I would think. A wham bam thank you mam kind of thing. Load it on Thursday night and Friday after work your gone to the country and the more solar the better for this non plug in generation, Maybe? Perhaps it's the disposable generation that plays into this as well. Of course I don't mean to literally dispose of the camper, I mean that young professionals have money and can upgrade when a kid or two comes along. Is it the feeling of the outdoorsman type of thing but with heat/AC, hot food, TV, cell phones, tablets, warm comfy blankets, etc... It's interesting to watch the shift in the market at my age because I would never consider anything like that, ever. That was not meant to be snarky! This is just an opinion and thinking out loud....