sky_free wrote:
kerry4951 wrote:
Congtrats!!! You bought a great TC there. The issues that you hear about AF having problems are all "old news". Some just like beating a dead horse. All manufacturers have gone thru growing pains and problems. The main thing is AF addressed them and today build a great TC. Enjoy it and have fun.
We looked at both Lance and Arctic Fox and when they were both at the Pleasanton RV show in January I had a long talk with Doug from Northwoods Mfg about some of the issues I've seen mentioned on this forum. I was happy with his responses. The other TC we were considering was the Lance 992, but in the end we were more comfortable with having just 1 slide for our intended use. We also had a specific budget to hit and it's unlikely we could have stayed within it unless we went to a much older Lance.
Congrats, the 990 is what we are leaning towards. Looked at the 992 this weekend and one downside is the camper is not accessible with the slide in.