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NVR2L82AV8's avatar
Jul 27, 2016

The inevitable breakdown on the road....

It finally happened to me...I became "that Guy" yesterday. The law of averages met our camper head-on far from Vegas but luckily not "100 miles from a dial tone" like the back country Olympic National Forrest/Park areas we were in less than 24 hours earlier - Trip report on the expedition to those areas deep past Wynoochee Lake or, BIGFOOT country I digress.

Came out of the "outback" for a little tour around Lake Quinault - beautiful area - then over to Pacific Beach for the night. Next morning after 200 plus miles all over the Olympic Backcountry, we headed back to "the Five (I-5)" the location of our family reunion. Disclaimer alert - Born and raised up here--family all still lives here...but I digress.

So, Driving South down SR109 life was good then a light faint noise followed by a "Shudder." My DashBoss BlueTooth engine monitor on my iPad immediately begins flashing and screaming just like my frequent flight simulators when every emergency is thrown at you. FLY THE JET FIRST! I quickly surmise I lost the alternator as the BATT shows only BATT Voltage not 13.2 plus volts while driving and my FICM (Fuel injection Control Module) input voltage shows the same - NOT GOOD. The Dually is motoring fine on the shoulderless two lane CRISIS to just make another crisis -- OK. I have the DW "reset the Master Caution light" (quelch the iPad DashBoss noise) and notice Coolant temps on the rise and smell burnt rubber. Time to DIVERT to the nearest airfield!

I look at the Garmin and get into the Checklists. Town ahead 2 miles...gotta get off this shoulderless road, gotta keep up the airflow for cooling (and flying too) cause I know the serpentine belt is toast, and need a parts store. DW quickly sees a NAPA 3 miles away. Cleared to land. Issues abound and we make headway...steering is way tight and no powered brakes. DARN, where are all those aviation system backups when you need em! I use engine power and the tranny to slow. I turn off into the NAPA Auto Store - all things being considered I'm feeling pretty Blessed today - and I have to put muscle into this like I'm back flying a cable controlled Boeing Jet. I make the turn and use the emer brake to not take out the passenger gate (the front door). Whew, ALL Good.

This is gonna be a quick fix. I open the hood and confirm my suspicions. I go in and order a belt. "Sir, gonna be two hours before we get one in the has to come from Aberdeen." Ok, "no problem." I'll just get the tools out while it cools down, map the serp-belt route, confirm my pulleys/pumps are all free and and be ready. So, I go outside climb up and do some more inspecting. OH NO. The serpentine belt has made a mess but I've got a "ground stop." The pulley on the water pump has sheered off. Looks like this is a major repair now. I call USAA for a Tow to the shop.

Folks, every single tow company within 100 miles does not want to have anything to do with that tow with the camper on top. Think about this--this is camper country. Luckily, across the street was an RV repair shop who graciously let me off-load the camper on their premises. I got a tow to the shop recommended by the "locals" and now we wait for some parts--Mechs confirmed my diagnosis.

Big family reunion in a few days so will try and get the camper back to the family reunion location (75 miles) where we can use it as our quarters. Gonna have to grab a low-boy from the farm for a tow as this saga continues.....