We had our dealership install the Trav'ler in 2013 and we love it. Have not had any problem with it to date. Prior to this we purchased the self standing satellite system. Before bringing it home DH had complete step by step setup instructions at the store, how to find the satellites, etc. When he got home, we went through the steps again for practice and could not lock on to a satellite. Bought all the gadgets to help and nothing. It all went back. DH said, "RV'ing is supposed to be relaxing and spending an hour plus setting up the satellite is not relaxing." With the Trav'ler, we push the button and wham, we're locked on to all three. Often what we do, when we get to a site, is first start up the satellite and if we can't lock on to all three, then we move the RV till we do, then we finish setting up. When we boondock, we check the trees in relation to the direction of the satellites to determine where we'll setup camp. Enjoy.