All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsLooking for advice on Used DPLooking at two coaches and would like some imput on quality and construction from people who have owned or know people who have owned either coach. looking to upgrade from Class A gasser, I don't mind a little older coach but I want quality. 1st coach is a 05 Tiffin Allegro Bus 40QDP 74,000 miles w/ISL 400 asking price $94,500 2nd coach is a 05 Travel supreme select 45DS04 84,000 w/ISM 500 asking price $114,000. Both are pretty much same as far as being cleaned and maintained, the tiffin may be a little on the cleaner side.Newmar Ventanawas looking at a 2016 Newmar Ventana 43' this weekend, looked like a nice coach. I know Newmar makes a nice coach thinking this could work for us, does anyone know much about this coach.Re: 2002 southwind no interior slide lightsUpdate, found the issue, the 12volt wire feeding the main slide was burnt fleetwood ran it down the frame near the exhaust pipe repaired the wire and ran it in a different location. As far as the 12volt lights in the bedroom slide and closet it was nothing more than 3 bad switches that was bad replaced and all is working great, thanks for all the help.2002 southwind no interior slide lightsI have lost the interior slide lights over my couch,dinnet as well as my closet light and lights in the bedroom slide all fuses check good under the hood and back fuse box,all other 12 volt lights and such work. Any help would be much appreciated .Thanks.park cableI'm having an issue with my cable in the coach, bad wire dont have much time to do any trouble shooting getting ready to head out and was wondering is there a device that can be hooked up to the park coax cable and transmit it wireless to my tv's, thanks for any help.Closet fowl odorOn the last two trips using our 2002 37u southwind i noticed a fowl odor coming from the closet right above the washer/dryer combo, nothing from inside the washer itself. I did notice that it only happens when the tanks are full, could there be a vent line that has come loose behind the washer/dryer and if so must the washer/dryer be removed to get to it or does this sound like another issue.Re: Cracked coolant expansion tankJust replaced ours on a 2002 F53, got it from Parts Geek, it was a exact fit part number is W0133-1833212 (DORMAN EXPANSION TANK) cost was $103.002002 southwind slideout 12v powerLiving room slide-out has no 12 volt power slide works but no lights cant find any bad fuses, can anyone help with this issue.