All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Master cylinder for 1974 Dodge Chasis class AI Was able to get it fixed, with all your help and the folks at United Tire Muffler and Service in Kansas City. Thank you one and all for your guidance. KcRe: Master cylinder for 1974 R-50 ChassisThank you one and all for your help...i'm going through your "advisings" for a solution. TNX, KcRe: Master cylinder for 1974 Dodge Chasis class AThank you one and all for your assistance. Still checking out your suggestions. Talked w/Colaws...they had nothing...talked with Vanderhaags, they referred me on. My problem is not only big fluid loss at back of master cylinder...but also excessive pedal pressure. I hhope it is not the booster pump because I know absolutely nothing about that. Any more ideas are always welcomed. TNX again, KcMaster cylinder for 1974 R-50 ChassisHELP...HELP...HELP... I know this is about a Class A Chassis but perhaps someone has some experience. I have what appears to be a cast iron master cylinder that is leaking. It also appears to have vacuum or air assist. All the parts people tell me it is obsolete and no longer available...the salvage yards look at me like I'm nuts! Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm in the Kansas City area. Tnx, KcMaster cylinder for 1974 Dodge Chasis class AHELP...HELP...HELP!!! I have a 1974 Cobra Class A MH on a Dodge R-50 Chassis. It has what appears to be a cast-iron?? master cylinder with "air/vacuum"?? assist, that is leaking. All the parts people say the part is obsolete and no longer available...the Salvage yards look at me like I'm NUTS...and the local one of the local RV service dealers told me if I had it towed in they would probably tell me to tow it back out! Anybody got any help for an old guy with an old RV in the Kansas City Mo. area? TNX KcRe: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Hey Eyeteeth, I think Good Sam has some kind of legilative commitee that can help...go to home page and start a search. Also, because my wife has handicapped tags on the RV it can legally be parked about anywhere (except in front of fire hydrants) Also, most older communities have restrictions pertaining only to length...25 feet or under are exempt no matter what they are. Also as long as it is "moveable" (not on Jacks) with tires are generally allowed to do you own repairs in your own driveway. Another point...if the RV is behind your house behind a 6' privacy fence and on a parking pad...and they still complain they can be charged with invasion of privacy. Kc "bases are loaded and Caseys at bat... taking it play by play!Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?To ksmoscanner: Hey Gregg...Take the radiator to Ed's Radiator about 81st and prospect (Mo side) they did my recore few years back and did a good job. Make sure they replace the internal baffle that distributes the water across the top of the radiator. Good luck on your Rv rebuild. I'm still working on mine and loving it (1974 Cobra Dodge MB-400 chasis, 440-3 engine, 26'). KcRe: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Note to ksmoscanner: DO IT>>>DO IT>>>DO IT>>> fix it up. It's a great family project that the whole family can do something on. Be sure and take it places as you can while it's under'll have some great stories to tell and it will tell you what to work on next. You can do a little work on it and take the family out even if it's only to Lonvgiew Lake or down to the Ozarks for the weekend and enjoy your work-in-progress. Have fun!!!Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Oh no, He's back!!! Haven't posted since '05 but I've been reading...Hello to new folks from Ohio (original home) and K.C. MO. (current home). Mine is a '74 Cobra 26' class a, M-400 chasis, 440-3 engine. Like ksmoscanner, bought mine for only $ was a mess!!! Since '01 Barb and I have been working on it bit by bit. New roof, new furnace,generator,frig,floor,interior, etc. etc. We did much of the work ourselves as time and MONEY was available and have loved every minute of it. I'm sure we have more in it than we could sell it for...but we don't plan on selling!!! It's been to GA, OH, AL, and most parts in between. It "bagged" a deer in Indiana and walked away gracefully. It always starts and has never refused to go where we wanted, even to all home Chiefs games. Whether we are working on it or traveling in it...IT'S GREAT and we LOVE it. The old Dodges just keep on rollin'. I agree, we Mopars should have our own site as we are both "C"'s and "A"'s and welcome input from all Dodge owners. I also agree we should be posting pictures nad will do so as soon as I learn how if we are allowed by the Moderator. But I truly love all the stories, advice, suggestions, how-to directions, and even the plain old bragging about these great old beauties.Re: How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?Hey Scruffy5, I don't KNOW a great deal about the Thermoquad, but I do have a great deal of experience...ALL OF IT BAD! Barb & I have a '74 Cobra/Dodge 440-3 engine for 5 has had a Thermoquad Carb on it, to our, and our mechanics, consternation(thats constipation of the brain). (I should point out that Larry, our mechanic is an ex Dodge Truck Division Chrysler guy and no matter what he did at my request to "get us by" the T-Quad will not hold an adjustment, floods or starves, or will not properly choke on starting. Larry says it was because Chrysler used non-metalic (cheap) parts and with age and wear were not very good for very long. Even Chrysler came out w/a Bulletin reccommending conversion to a Carter AFB carb, which we are doing as of this writing. In about one-weeks time I will give you a more detailed report on the conversion. There should be others on this thread with even more experience than I who may respond also. In addition to the Good Sam folks there is also a "Durable Dodge" chapter with FMCA which share great info etc.