All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Major FailHere is my follow up. We spent the night on that on ramp. I had called around myself and even though some tire shops were closed, they called me back. Brian from Redburn Tire of Tuscon was one of them. He did not have the tire but told me to call him back at 6:00 AM to get us going. He found the same tire as I lost and had his man on site by 8:00 AM. My tire was replaced and I was on my way in a little over half hour. The cost.... $514.00 Tire, service call, mounting and done. GSRA was quoting at least $200.00 more?? I called GSRA at 10:30 Sunday night and finally got to a supervisor. She was willing to send a tow but we decided that we did not want to be towed to an unknown area. She set up a call for 8:00 AM to help get us a tire. We wanted GSRA as a backup to Redburn. They called at 7:30 AM. The "Tire Professional" said she did not see the email hand-off from the first "Tire Professional" and what could she do for us now. I put her on hold till I knew if Redburn would show up. They did and GSRA was in catch up mode. All in all... the small business man (Redburn) got it done and the big company with all their resources did not get it done. GSRA = "Generally Sh@tty rotten service".Major FailI am sitting here on I-10 East about 25 miles south of Tuscon, AZ with a flat tire. I called the number for support and was initially handled welled. After an hour I was called back to say that he could not find a tire but would get me a tow. I was then told to expect a call back. NO one called back. From that point forward I called no less than three times and left messages for a callback. Six hours later I still have had no call back and I will be spending the night on an on-ramp. Is this what I paid Premium support for. GSRA failed big time and I will never renew with them again.Re: Trouble with Workhorse 8.1 motor loosing powerFuel filter maybe... I would also inspect the plug wires. Heat from the engine can melt parts of the wire and cause loss of power. Bad fuel could also be a cause. Try treating the fuel with Heat or similar product.Re: Installing laminate flooring Gearitis wrote: We installed the Traffic Master Allure Ultra. Did it our selves, not bad at all with a little patience, utility knife and a straight edge. NO GLUE, floats and endured the last summers Texas heat and this winters cold down to 12. We love it, easy to clean, water and moisture resistant. We have 2 slides, one super slide and I use some thin carpet strips and slide under the slide when I first start to bring them in and let the slides sit on the thin carpet strips in travel. It barely has enough clearance and the Allure is just about as thick as the old carpet. Talking about old carpet, we did not know how nasty carpet can get in an RV. From this point forward we will try and always use some type of hard floor. Wife uses area rugs to help with cold floor. Bottom line the DW is happy so I am happy! Did you have to put any vapor barrier or foam insulation under the floor? I want to do the same in my Itasca Suncruiser. ThanksRe: Hwy 10 in Louisiana Ole B wrote: Has anyone traveled on I-10 in Louisiana in the past year. I am thinking of taking it to travel east from AZ? I haven't been on it in the last 6 years. Is it still very rough, or should I find a different way east. Thanks Was on it last week.... Galveston to New Orleans... It is good to go.Re: NEED INFO ON 2006 ITASCA SUNCRUISERWe have a 2005 Itasca Suncruiser 37B (purchased used in March of 13). So far not many issues. New tires, alignment, new coach batteries. PM for any questions.Need dash AC service Denver, CODoes anyone know of a good place to have my dash AC serviced? I have read the RVService reviews for my area and see a few places I might go to but for each of the ones listed, I find bad reviews from other sources. Any recommendations are appreciated.Re: Unusual RequestThanks to all for your support. We will be in MA on the 9th of September for prelims and the surgery will be on the 17th. I will update the outcome when able.Re: How to use volt meterPlease be very careful when checking voltages. Be sure your meter is on the correct setting before sticking the probes in. Many a meter has been lost by incorrect settings. If you're lucky, you will just blow the meter's fuse worse case, it's new meter time.Re: Unusual RequestThanks all. We now have a date and a plan. We will be in MA for 3 weeks in September and then come back home to Colorado. We will not have to find a place for the MH after all. Thanks for all the people that offered their assistance and thanks more for your thoughts on this upcoming procedure. I will update once we have completed the kidney transfer and she is back home.