All ActivityMost RecentMost LikesSolutionssuper usb wifi antenna by c. craneHas anyone used this particular antenna and if so what is your experience with itsecurity in RV parksWould like to know if anyone has experience with park security in South Texas down towards Brownsville and Harlingennew ownersMy wife, Iris and Myself, Terry have just taken possession of a new Entegra Aspire. So far have done 3 short trips and in about 8 days will be heading from Florida (where we purchased our RV) to South of Houston TX in League City, Texas. Looking forward to meeting other RV'ers as well as the fun of seeing the good ole USAautoformerWould like to know if anybody has experience good or bad with the autoformer unit which protects against low voltage situations in an RV parkTire pressure monitoring systemsI have reviewed 4 different tire pressure monitoring systems for our Class A RV. These include Pressure Pro, Doran Tire Pressure, Tire Stat, and Tire Sentry. I am totally confused. Has anyone had experience with any of these or can you recommend one I haven't found. I would appreciate any feedbackBatteries Lead Acid vs AGMSince we are new to RVing I have questions for which I appreciate all comments. Would like opinions on using AGMs or lead acid for House Batteries bearing in mind that AGM's like to be charged at about 14 vdc while lead acid likes around 13 voltsmobil eye for big rigsHas anyone put the mobil eye on their Class A rig. And if so what advice can you offerair compressor for inflating tiresVIAIR VIAIR-40046 400P-RV VIAIR Portable I have identified this air compressor as a potential candidate for our integra rv. Have not found specification on its air capacity and pressure ability. Is there anyone that helpRand McNally RVGPS 710Would like to know what experience people have with the Rand McNally RVGPS 710?Entegra Road side AssistanceDoes anyone have roadside assistance experience from Entegra? Would like some feedback on how good it is