Forum Discussion

Talleyho69's avatar
Aug 12, 2018

Ocean Temps

We are now both healthy and spent this afternoon on the beach under our umbrella. We always do at least 2 miles walking and 1 swimming with our two monsters, both Mexican weimariners EVERY single day no matter what. Finally, afternoon time for us!

We also set up our pocket thermometers. Today on Playa la Ropa in Zihuatanejo, in the bay, the water temperature was 32.7 C or 90.8 F.

It doesn't get much better than that!

Yes, we are now using our SUPs daily!
  • In the Gulf of Mexico the no fishing season is called "veda" it lasts four months May, June, July and August, it is easy to remember these months do not have an "R" in them in Spanish they are Mayo, Junio, Julio y Agosto same as in English this is done to prevent the mollusks from being taken when they are reproducing and some are not good to eat, one does get sick.

  • OK, I'm not trying to start an issue here, but in Guerrero, where it is enforced, and supposedly in the rest of Mexico, Lobster season is closed July 1 through October 1, and the same for oysters, sigh.

    Is it different elsewhere?

    Yes, the world is changing dramatically. It's warming up. Hurricanes in California? That isn't a shocker.
  • I don't know what language you speak in but I have to agree that there is definitely warming going on and they have announced today that California could expect hurricanes. That would be a first in over 160 years.
  • In the last two weeks Jesus has pulled in 820 pounds of lobster, and a half ton of huachinango (red sea bass). Tues night he bagged over 200 lbs of lobster. He found the holy-grail site and with the Underwater Kinetics Light Canon he snagged gunny sacks full then inflated bladders to surface them. Refinding a site used to be impossible. Now with a backpacker model GPS he returns to within meters. Same for the sea bass. They haunt a flat topped pena where some Chinese fishing boat lost a net worth maybe a hundred grand. It's 37 feet to the net and he uses a roller rod and multiple hooks. He goes to Lazaro and buys specially frozen shrimp heads at a decent price.

    Surface temps are warmer this year but at 20+ feet depth the water is around 6F cooler than previous years. Less onshore wind no upwelling and some weather nuts are using skewed data for their alarmist theories about ocean temperatures in this region. Hotter on top colder below.

    He has never seen lobster productivity this good. "For every one I catch I see fifty more". And he has exclusive federal pesca rights to 3 Km of shoreline out to 100 mts depth.

    Zihuatanejo should have a good supply of red sea bass in the marcado. As usual, buyers from Guadalajara and Mexico come in and offer a few thousand pesos more and take the entire load. Looks like Veracruz, once the capitol of huachinango is having a critical shortage.
  • Hot water and humid air is hurricane food. More like a protein shake for chubascos. We're set. Furniture sliders under the appliances in the enramada. The place can be emptied in seven trips if tables are stacked ten high. We are totally exposed south-facing which ain't too cool.

    Due to the Coriolis Effect, anything that starts up this late is likely to not parallel the coast rather do a hard to starboard and curl back onto the coast. There have been fewer cooling thunderstorms this season.

    But I noticed that Patzcuaro elevation 7,000 feet was having 49 degree mornings. And Toluca was near freezing at daybreak.
  • Although not salt water, Lake Superior is a refreshing 65F at Whitefish Point
  • In contrast. the Atlantic is cooler than normal. so much in fact that NOAA has lowered it's expectations of major storms, and Hurricanes. Water is so cool, that according to them. Hurricanes can't easily form.
  • The North Pacific ocean has warmed up more this year than previous years, we have higher water temperatures along the cost of Southern California, from San Diego all the way past Los Angeles, and there have been more low presure areas that turn into hurricanes when the air mas absorbs heat from the ocean, in contrast the Atlantic ocean is calm in comparison, expect more bad wrather along the Pacific coast this year.
