Bell has an agreement with Dish Network, not Direct TV, the information below is quite helpful and explains the history of Bell TV in Canada, I have “Pasted” some of the relevant info below the link as to wikipedia’s contribution’s take on this subject, hope it is helpful to all.
Wikipedia Link“Residential accounts are limited to a maximum of six (6) receivers per account, but each of them can be a dual tuner receiver. Therefore, up to 12 televisions can be served. Account stacking, which consists of having receivers on one account located in different locations, is contrary to the Bell TV Residential and Commercial Agreements. It is certainly not illegal, and in a worst-case scenario, service will be cancelled. This practice is detailed in CRTC Public Notice 2006-133 and 2006-134. There is no requirement whatsoever in the Regulations that prohibits a BDU (broadcast distribution undertaking) from providing service at more than one location via a single account. Bell has mostly focused on improving its satellite signal reception in Canada while seeking to prevent snowbirds from accessing this signal. The use of Bell TV services in the United States is not illegal, but it remains a controversial issue.”