There is nothing 'general' about preparing your meals when camping away from the madding crowd. To me, this means you prepare your menu fully expecting to have no support stores along the way: fully self contained. This varies from excursion to excursion, and varies with the capabilities of your camping vehicle. This also becomes much more critical the farther and longer you are away from our current civilization.
Since we ply the poor or doubtful byways in our prepared 4WD truck and Lance hardside camper, we have different limitations on how much we can stuff into a 3 c.ft. refrigerator and limited storage accommodations, as compared to a 40 foot MoHo.
Here are a few of our favorite meals 'out'. (Jeanie edited this post so the 'I' refers to her domain.)
I like to start with the meats frozen. That gives us complete flexibility on the road. Just remember to take it out of the freezer early on the day you want to use it.
Tacos: ground beef cooked ahead with taco mix seasoning then frozen in a ziplock bag, which is easy to reheat on the road. I use sliced cabbage, not lettuce because it holds up so much better on the road. We use any kind of Salsa and shredded Mexican cheese. Jeanie's Tequilla Sunset. (what is the Tequilla Sunset, you ask? No matter what time of day or night you consume said elixer, the sun goes down)

Chicken Baja is another favorite. Raw boneless chicken breasts dumped into a zip lock with oil and lemon juice, wine or tequila, or prepared oil and vinegar salad dressing marinade and then frozen. Cooked outside on the Weber.
Black bean salad with canned black beans, canned corn, canned french green beans, and canned peas, chopped red bell pepper, chopped green onion, and chopped carrots. Dressing: olive oil with lemon or lime juice with seasonings to taste or bottled oil and vinegar dressing. This lasts very well in the fridge over several days and is full of vegetables.
Marinated skirt steak, with same marinade as above in ziplock bag and frozen and cooked outside on the Weber grill. We also bring carne aside from Trader Joes which is already marinated. I cook bell pepper and onions in a skillet and then add the sliced grilled meat to the skillet. Served with corn or flour tortillas, and shredded cheese, and salsa. A great one dish meal.
We also like to bring precooked sausages or bratwurst. again from Trader Joe's. We grill them on the Weber also. If I have left over cabbage from the tacos I cook it in a skillet with potatoes and onions to go with the sausages. Great with beer.
The trick is to keep it simple and portable by making,cooking, and freezing somethings ahead at home. This makes the food prep so much more enjoyable.
Regards, Jeanie, with a few edits by jefe.