Junatuna wrote:
Thanks for the responses. Can you obtain your w-2 via email?. I'm retired from NY State and receive my w-2 in the mail. Tim
It depends on the employer, some do, some don't, you may have to make a special request. Even those that wont email it, some will put the data online at a secure site where you can login and access your data. You'll have to ask the NY state rep. If you're retired & collecting a pension, its a 1099-R not a W2.
If you're filing electronically you just need the data off the form, you don't need the actual form, except for backup in your files. So, someone at home could read it to you over the phone.
But if you're going to be gone all winter, this tax form is probably not the only piece of mail that can't sit at home waiting for your return. Most of us work out some arrangement to get mail forwarded to us. That could be a close friend, neighbor, relative, or one of the professional mail forwarding companies if you plan to do this frequently. Even the USPS has an option to temporarily forward your home mail to your temp Fla address for a fixed number of months.