Forum Discussion

The_Texan's avatar
Jun 11, 2013

Best customer service

I ordered a windshield from Rocky Mountain ATV and needed a replacement part....Here is the email dialog from yesterday and today and let's say they are the best....Other companies need to take lessons.

I purchased part # 1312900005 with order # xxxxx and the bolt assembly that attaches the left hinge to the frame came loose and was lost. Is there any way I can get replacement of the hinge bolt assembly? Thanks

Thank you for your email. We are sending you the replacement hardware on order #xxxxx. You can expect it to arrive Wednesday. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Thank you very much, but what do I owe you. This was not defective, just came loose from the vibration of the machine and riding. Thanks for the very prompt reply.

Thank you for your response. We have sent out the replacement free of charge and you do not owe us anything. Thank you for your concern. Enjoy your replacement.

Have a great day!

To bad all companies are not as customer oriented.....
  • I have always had good experience with rocky mountain..i ordered a set of paddles for my quad once and they sent the wrong one..i called them and they overnighted the correct one and told me to send back the wrong when whenever. anyways they saved my dumont trip!
  • lawnspecialties wrote:
    I've have spent a LOT of money with RMATV. Great to hear your story. :)

  • RMATV sent my buddy the wrong tires. When he contacted them, they expressed shipped the correct ones to him with a return shipper to send the incorrect ones back. He was expecting to have to ship the wrong ones back and wait for the correct ones to ship once they reviewed the error.

    I have ordered from them and have not had a problem with any of my requests.
  • Unfortunatly you guys coming on the forum talking about "GOOD" customer service are the exception. The old saying is an unsatisfied customer will tell 10 people but a happy satisfied customer will only tell 1....
    If more would post of their great experiences, mayby the places that keep getting blasted for poor service would take notice???
    No..not likely..
    And even more important is if a place has an occasional screwup BUT makes it right, that person who posted original complaint should update.
    We would all then have a clear idea of who really does care about their customers (whom indirectly pay their wages)
    My situation started at Amazon when a supplier (Mountain Gear)did not meet a shipping deadline for snowshoes. Reordered different model that Amazon shipped direct so I would receive when needed. Cancelled the original order but info on site was behind so they had already been shipped. Both billed to credit card, wife didn't want the second pair so figured I was in for an experience to get returned and refunded. To complicate it, i am in Canada, product being shipped to a US address, Canadian Visa, you get it...real screwed up.
    Mountain gear guy manged to catch shipment before they delivered, had returned and credited my card immediatly.
    I was shocked, impressed, and very happy. In fact I felt bad for the things I had muttered under my breath that I anticipated would happen.
    This is a great place to deal with and i am glad to state it.

    There is a cost to these companies to offer this above and beyond service BUT I think its less than the cost for lost business the poor service companies offer..!!
    WHY cant they figure that out??? :h
  • I've had a very similar experience in another arena, Bennett Trim Tabs for our boat. They have been very responsive via email, and even though the folks who installed the tabs did something wrong, Bennett is sending replacement parts to me at no charge. I was shocked. Maybe some of these companies are finally starting to get the point.
  • I've always had good experiences with RMATV as well. I do like to use my local shops whenever I can though.
  • I sent in a camping stove to Jet Boil 2 months ago. When I hadn't herd from them after 2 weeks I gave them a call. The lady said she would track it down and call me the next day. (Service department was gone for the day, East Coast) called the next day and said nothing had shown up. Asked me what it was I sent in. (I had a return auth # that she had given me 3 weeks earlier.) I told her just the burner...she replaced it, FREE. I had it in 3 was I surprised.

    Some companies know how to take care of their customers and now I will always recommend and buy their stuff.
  • RMATV is a good company, I've never had to return anything but good to hear about your situation.