Forum Discussion

Crdodd's avatar
May 24, 2013

Electric stabilizers have no power

My electric stabilizer jacks on the rear of my 5er have no power. Everything else has power. Just the stabilizers have the issue. So where do I start looking.

I checked all the breakers. Where do I start looking?
  • Thanks for the replies. I did get them working again. Checked the main inline fuse, but all looked good there.

    OldBiscuit - you got me going on the right track. I never knew there were such small reset buttons on that little buss off of the battery. Matched the wire going to the back, pressed the tiny button, and all was working.

    Thanks again everyone. Solving this minor issue has now led to another mystery to be solved. Please see my next post, and help me out with my next item to be solved.
  • I had a Jayco that had electric rear jacks. They had some type of fuse that I replaced. I found it by traces the wires to the motor of the rear jacks. Replaced it ($4.99 part) and everything worked fine. Not sure why it was not was one of those fuses that is suppose to reset it self.
  • Basic troubleshooting 101.

    Start at the switch. Don't rule it out as going bad. I've seen several of this type of rocker switch fail.

    If you have power to the switch, replace or jumper across.

    If no power, follow the wires back to the battery source.

    Check all ground wire connections also.
  • On my 5th in the cargo pass through is a landing gear/stabilizer disconnect switch. Maybe you have the same.
  • Electric stabilizers are usually feed directly from battery.

    Check for power wires that bypass the battery disconnect switch....(front landing gear, slides, jacks etc.)
    These lines have their own in-line fuses or dc circuit breakers (small rectangle box with two studs/can be auto reset or manual reset---small button on side).
    These fuses/cb's can be under a cover or just mounted on wall typically via front compartment area.