magicmantx wrote:
720Deere wrote:
Since the warranty is only 1 year and they haven't made a black cap Fuzion for almost 3 years now, I would guess that's a no on the warranty.
My Fuzion is an early 2013 Model that we purchased in April of 2013 so we are just a couple months out of factory 1 yr warranty. the black end caps were discontinued sometime in early 2013 apparently along with the switch to frameless windows. i actually wanted the Black end cap and frameless windows both but either they never made them that way or I just never could find one.
I mis-spoke. I meant 2 years, not 3. My 2013 Fuzion was build in September of 2012 without a black cap. I think 2013 production began around April 2012. The changeover to the white cap was in late August/early September 2012. My order was placed in early August anticipating the black cap and interior design that went along with that, but when our order was placed on a Monday the factory shot back to the dealer right away warning them of the change. Supposedly that was the day that all orders moving forward would have the new decor including the white cap. After viewing the pictures that they sent us, we decided to go ahead with the order even though the black cap theme matched out truck.
They never put frameless windows in a black cap Fuzion. Maybe somebody knows the exact date, but it was somewhere around December 2012 that they started using frameless windows. I could have ordered double pane windows as an option but frameless was still not available as of the early introduction of the white cap.