Forum Discussion

  • Our first time on the dunes was Gordons Well this last winter and we rode all the way from Int. 8 to the 78 to vendor row past all the close section and I could not believe how much is acually was. It's a huge amount of dunes that would really improve OHVing there. Hopefully it will get reopened.
  • N-Trouble wrote:
    Would love to see a map of affected area(s)...

    Now if we can only get Pismo/Oceano opened back up to what it once was when I was a kid.

    Here ya go... pink area is the closed area. Notice how much is now green..! Hope this goes thru for next season, hill 6 is nice, and its been closed for too long.

  • Would love to see a map of affected area(s)...

    Now if we can only get Pismo/Oceano opened back up to what it once was when I was a kid.
  • That is some welcome news after years of constant what seemed like losing battles.
  • This ruling should be beneficial to all that are fighting to keep the trails open for "all" to use, not just the flower sniffers. I know our county, along with some of the groups listed in this are fighting to stop the closure of trails in the 2 NFs around us.
  • This is great news and thanks to the ASA for working on this. I was reading about this over on Sounds like baby steps to getting the closure's opened.