Water-Bug wrote:
Chances are you'll end up with the same responders no matter which one you choose.
Above is correct with caveats.
Tow service companies may have contracts with several ERS "Motor Clubs" - but the "service" (hint: reimbursement) they receive may differ.
Which means - you may be low man on the totem pole - behind more lucrative contracts.
Also - Most posters are in the USA.
Apparently you are in Canada.
If so, check each ERS carefully for service in Canada.
Don't rely on statements such as:
"I've had XXX ERS for 15 years, couldn't be happier".
Ask how many times -and what type- of service/s they have received, how long a wait etc.
BTW - AAA does *not* have reciprocity throughout the USA.
Maybe that has changed, but there have been posters who found "holes" in their AAA ERS in some Eastern states.
Also check US Rider. (No horses necessary);)
Very personal service - they are the only ERS that will tow (personal - *not* commercial) trailers with live animals in them.
Wild guess (speculation) - more equestrians with and without RVs towing their (expensive & sensitive) hay burners in trailers - than those without.