TinyoneRV wrote:
Excellent question. We have the app on our cell phone and wondered what it does for us.
What this App does for you is track where your phone is and how you use it and what you look at and what you google.
Open your Apps>settings>goodsam app> and look at what systems of your phones it requires to use. My bet is that it has it's fingers in your
Contact list
it knows when you are on wifi and who with
it wants to track your location
wants access to your photos
etc etc..
This information is collated and sold to advertisers and spammers and used to help Facebook, Twitter and othe social media sites target ads to you while you are on THEIR sites.
That is what this APP does
By the way this IS NOT unusual many APPS especially "free" ones and Games do this. This is why they are written and distributed. It isnt out of the goodness of the corporate heart.
you can veiw these "requirements" when you first download an APP and decide if you really want it.
edited for readability