Forum Discussion

goufgators's avatar
Apr 08, 2018

2017 Winnebago Sunstar LX

Regarding the subject MH, can anyone tell me where to locate the converter? I suspect it's not working causing batteries to drain. Also, where would I find the inverter? Thanks!
  • garyemunson wrote:
    My 2015 Winne Vista has the inverter in a compartment on the driver's side. It incorporates the old converter functions. When the engine is not running, having the inverter on and running a 2-way fridge on electric will run the battery down quite quickly. You can go online at the Winnebago site, look up your model and see pretty much all the diagrams for wiring, plumbing, etc. Handy for chasing down components.

    Thanks, Gary. I'll check the basement compartments.
  • My 2015 Winne Vista has the inverter in a compartment on the driver's side. It incorporates the old converter functions. When the engine is not running, having the inverter on and running a 2-way fridge on electric will run the battery down quite quickly. You can go online at the Winnebago site, look up your model and see pretty much all the diagrams for wiring, plumbing, etc. Handy for chasing down components.