Forum Discussion

pushtoy_2's avatar
May 18, 2019

5 star tuners

does anyone know about 5 star tuners does it work and how well thinking of buying it for my class c
  • thank you so much for your reply.. today it is 450$ that's why I
    am asking all the questions.450$ is a lot for me. and thanks again
  • I dont know how much they cost nowadays, I got mine on a christmas special purchase at the time. A lot will depend on the use of the rv, but for me I dont worry about paybacks. If it helps me drive more comfortable then to me it is worth it. It will be up to you to determine if its worth it. ou can call Mike and he will tell ya anything ya need to know and maybe help with the decision.
  • Yes it does work well, makes transmission shift/work better, civilizes the engine so it does not race to 5000rpm. Overall just plain works IMO. Have mine on 2012 winnebago. Have had it for about 6 years now.