Desert Captain wrote:
It sounds like you may have a bad cell, perhaps more than one. If so they are toast, they will take a charge but will not hold it for long especially with any kind of load on them. Get a Hydrometer and test each cell. What you should see is that each cell in a battery reads approximately the same. If one is significantly lower than the others it is bad and the battery is history. If that is the case you will want to replace both batteries.
My thought too. Typically, your system will stay in absorb, never go to float. After as much of a charge as you can get, let the batteries "rest" for an hour (preferably disconnected)
Then take the caps off. For each battery, put the neg terminal of your meter on the neg post, and the positive in the electrolyte of each cell in turn. Meter should step up about 1.6 volts each cell as you run down the battery.
Your dead cell will be easy to spot.