Good Sam RV Club Member
Posted: 03/17/15 11:17am Link | Quote | Print | Notify Moderator
"there is a thing on every air cond compressor called a klixon that heats up at the same rate the windings in the motor do. If in a brownout period the voltage goes down, then the amperage goes up. Fact or law of electric. the klixon will snap off until it cools and then snap back on. It should (repeat should) prevent the AC from turning to toast.If you hear the compressor cycling, turn it off.For best insurance, buy a Progressive EMS and it will turn off the electric for you. Absolute peace of mind for a couple hundred bucks."
I found what I read a while back copied above, I had not heard this before either but found it very interesting. Apparently Klixon makes a lot of switches. Sounds like if you could put one in that shuts off at 108 volts the AC would be protected from low voltage, I was hoping some electricians could comment.