bobkatmsu wrote:
Here in Florida, our brutal summer of heat and humidity is about to begin. My question is which is better, running the A/C or running a couple of dehumidifiers. I pay a flat fee for the electric hook up so cost of electricity is not an issue. I guess my concern is even if I set the a/c to 90, it still would be running 20 hours a day for the next 4-5 months. Seems like it would shorten the life of the a/c unit. If I were to use dehumidifiers I would set one in shower, the other would be placed in the kitchen to drain into the sink. I would then leave the grey water valve open to drain onto the ground. That's my idea anyway. Any thoughts. Thanks.
The thing I do with stick houses for some of the snowbirds here in FL, is to put a Dehumidifier control, connected in series with the thermostat. with the DH set at about 65% and the thermo at 80F. This setup requires that both must be satisfied for the A/C to run and I think the best of both worlds. Just saying that if you can do a setup like that in your coach, then it should do fine.
As for our coach, it sits in the driveway when not in use, with the vents open and nothing else. Been doing this for years, with no ill effects, so no use to change things now, I don't guess.