om wrote:
Didn't mean to cause such a stir. I do appreciate the advice on turns with a big rig. That was the intent of my post -awareness of what might happen in the same situation in our 43' mh. BUT, just for the record, our next left was maaaany miles on down the highway and no right turns for even further:). I think we might have been in the town on record as the "Narrowest" in the country:)
I did truly go out of my way to speak in generalities about how to approach these things rather than trying to Monday morning QB what happened in your particular incident at an intersection I've never seen, etc.
But since you seem like a great sport let me reiterate what someone said above on this page -- better defensive driving probably could have saved the day. Anticipate the worst from your fellow drivers. Make sure your mirrors are adjusted to give you a proper view. Consider getting a side view camera system. As you see impending disaster, stop moving. I suspect, though cannot know for sure hence my reluctance to talk too much about your particulars, that if you had both been watching each other and proceeding more cautiously you could have hit the brakes.
But, again, I don't know exactly what happened and didn't read your original post with a fine tooth comb. But if you were paying attention, yet couldn't see the guy (again, sorry if your post was clear on this point buy I didn't even read it again today), something with your set up was not up to the job.
If you were just in your lane and only turning right it seems pretty odd the cop would think the other guy was being reasonable, especially he had to go off-roading to get around you. But if you were turning left to swing left and there was a paved shoulder it might have been reasonable for the guy to think you had your blinker going the wrong way because, in his mind anyway, you're a kook, and try to go around you.
If none of my advice could possibly apply (I'm still betting it could), it may have been better to hug the left edge of your lane and NOT swing or turn left at all. And wait until it was clear. In other words, pay attention to other drivers and rather than bank on your perceived right of way, make sure everyone else is acknowledging it. If not, let whomever wants to go around you in whatever crazy fashion have at it. It is better than a lawsuit, injury, or damage to your rig.
I suspect you thought you were in your lane, I've got the right of way, no one is supposed to pass me on the right, so why on earth would anyone be on my right? So ignore that and focus on swinging left to make this tight turn. Again, sorry if your original post makes clear this is not what happened; I can't read it from this screen.
Well we now see you may have underestimated other driver's impatience and overestimated what other drivers might think of your right of way. Do we want to be right, or do we want to avoid accidents? And that really isn't directed at you. Just for everyone considering this. I am someone who gets easily agitated. And other drivers upset me daily. But I try not to let my belief I'm right get in the way of avoiding accidents. Again, not directed at anyone in particular, just food for thought for every driver out there.
In other words, don't move unless it is safe to do so. Even if you have the right of way. Let the other guy be wrong.
And maybe the thing to do is get one of those placards for the back that shows a truck turning wide and a passing it on the right and crashing into the side of the truck, along with a warning about this vehicle makes wide right turns. Then again, cigarettes could probably have warning labels that say "smoke this and you will die" and people will probably keep lighting up.
Thanks for letting me ramble as this post is not helpful like the others. But I have fun participating.