bobndot wrote:
This subject is new to me. I am missing something here ?
During cold weather, between 0-32F, it would be necessary to preheat a Lithium battery before my solar panel starts to charge it. Correct ?
Therefore, if I have my rv stored or parked in my driveway for days or weeks, I can't just forget about it like I do using my AGM batteries, correct ?
Using lithium's , I too was thinking about using an insulated battery box and install a heat pad in order for my solar to start charging it. Therefore, I really need to leave the rv plugged in to shore power in order to heat the pads.
The only real advantage for me to use lithium is for summer use when I could drop below 50% while boondocking and not worry about charging them back up on warm days.
If that's the case, using my AGM's in the winter and lithium's in the summer seems to be a better option . Either that or look into the Si02 batts as suggested. Am I correct on my thinking ?
Depends with battleborn you do nothing the bms decides if its gonna take a charge or not. If there is capacity left over from the night and you use something in the rv they will warm up on their own and start charging. lithiums generate heat charging and discharging.
for added protection heat pads make it easier and faster to start the charge process. As does throwing a temp sensor on a victron charge controller for an added layer of protection in the rare case the bms doesn't do its job.
During storage charge to 50% or more disconnect batteries and walk away nothing else to do. Better yet bring them home inside for the winter and add anderson connectors to make the process fast.
the heat pads hardly use any energy. add insulation even less.
The SIO2's dont look much better stat wise then a agm and way more expensive.