Goatee wrote:
Huh! And here I was thinking about having a couple installed. Are they really a problem?
No, they're not a problem. As you can tell by the responses here, they are of value to some folks but, not all. Yes, they do take up some room in terms of Total Cubic Feet. You, (or anyone) must determine what is of value in terms of total cubic space and, what you plan on storing in and around your compartments. There is no doubt that the mechanism of the drawer and its slide components, take up room. In some cases, quite valuable room.
A slide out tray is really of quite value when large, or even small, HEAVY items are stored in the rear or, inner sections and, one would compromise their back trying to remove or install heavy items that were in the back of a compartment. Slide out trays simply allow for deep storage items to be retrieved or put back without the possible risk of injury to ones body.
They also have a secondary value of being able to store items that would be hard to get to without the removal of many items in front of them. It is a simple matter of choice. If you feel, as the OP might, that he could create better and more user friendly storage without the use of, space taking slide out trays, AND YOU HAVE A PLAN, (for storage items and their arrangement) then by all means, remove them or, don't install them.
But, if you have heavy or bulky items that you use only once in a while, and you know that they will fit in a tray and, more often used items will remain in the front of the trays. Then, install them or, keep them in place if you have them.
Setting up a compartment or, series of compartments takes a bit of time and, if done properly, you can have all your possessions and still have quite a bit of room.