Read the label of the bomb you decide to use. there are newer type ones that are
DRY sprays.
They don't leave a gunky residue all over like the old ones did. Just be aware that the old type ones are still on the shelves.
I found this one to work the best DRY fog and NO odor which is a must for an RV. roaches, fleas, ticks, ants, spiders, crickets & other insects
No odor, no mess
It can be found at big grocery stores like Publix.
And if you have pets they can not go back into the RV for a couple of days to be sure to be safe.Read the label about pets safety.
And more importantly is each and everything that is connected to a pilot light MUST be SHUT off. The label stresses NOT to be used where a pilot light is.
The above link also has a 'Non-flammable' product also if you are concerned about using a fogger in such close proximity of the propane and all the pilot lights.
That all said keep in mind that one can is intended to treat far more sf than the entire MH is.
What bug are you trying to get rid of in the RV?