Forum Discussion

klparker's avatar
Jun 26, 2019

CAT 3126B

Have 2001 Itasca Horizon diesel pusher, with CAT 330 (3126B). Changed filters, fuel and water/fuel filter and now it will not crank. Any help is appreciated.
  • Located pump on type of engine, pumped till it was firm, and it "cranked". Thank you all for the assistance.
  • Put fuel in filters. It will try to turn over but will not. Will check for pump and any loose wires, etc. When ignition is in on position you can hear the sensors click.
  • Said it would not CRANK, not that it won't start. I would look and listen to see if any relays are clicking, if so there would be the place to start taking meter readings to see if power is getting through. Most likely the problem is in the areas you were working in and you probably bumped a wire connection and disconnected a plug or broke a wiring connection. Do you have the chassis wiring diagram from the chassis builder? It is a great piece of paper to have and Itasca will not have modified it to much.
  • There should be a pump on top of the engine nearer to the front of the RV Raise the bed and find it. Pump and get air out of the line. You may have someone pump while you crank the engine over. Soon it should get air out of the line and crank. Do not crank for longer than 30 seconds at time and give it rest. Best to you. Arnold