Forum Discussion

Johnny_Hurryup's avatar
Aug 16, 2021

Chevy V8 vs Ford V 10

I've always been somewhat of a "Ford Man" But the Ford V 10 has been around forever and there seems to be tons of new V8s from Ford but I never see them in RVs. How does the V8s from Chevy compare?
  • I've noticed in the Class C brochures that I've gone though is that when a model is offered in either Ford or Chevy, the Chevy version will have a lower hitch rating.
  • I can't speak about the the new V8 that has just been put into the newest Class Cs.I have not seen many posts on them,what I have seen is that they are much quieter than the V10 under load and seem to be de tuned some for better fuel mileage.

    I can however speak about a Class C V8 on Chevy Chassis.

    I have a friend that has a V10 in his and we go all the same places and we seem to have about the same performance except I get a bit better fuel mileage and am not as worn out as he is after a long run fighting an ill handling rig even after all the time,money and work he put into his,following all the tips that have been brought up here on the Forum.
  • The only V8 that Ford has made in the past 40+ years that is "adequate" for a Class C is the new 7.3L gas engine. It has only been in production a few years.
  • klutchdust wrote:
    I carried spare engine cylinder coils when I owned the V-10, as was suggested by another mechanic. And a few sending units that were known to fail.

    I'd never heard of "cylinder coils" before, and that it was some sort of cylinder liner that goes in the engine block, and thought you were carrying them around to do a field overhaul.

    But I guess what you were referring to was ignition cylinder coils, which actually makes a lot more sense. I remember dad used to carry a full ignition tune-up kit (distributor cap+points+condensor+rotor) for our old Ford station wagon tow vehicle after the time a cracked distributor cap left us stranded.
  • Rock Auto has most anything you would need and you could have it shipped in no time. geez, I needed rotors for an 07 Toyota and no one locally had them in stock. I carried spare engine cylinder coils when I owned the V-10, as was suggested by another mechanic. And a few sending units that were known to fail. I carry a serpentine belt in my Diesel pick up that tows my trailer and a spare fuel filter.
    I still have those coils and sending units and two valve covers that were given to me that fit the V-10. . Anyone wants them pay the shipping cost.
  • As this is in the class C forum, I presume the OP was asking about the 6.6L V8 as currently used on the Chevy Express cutaway (and vans). These engines and chassis are plentiful in the wild, so to speak, so I would think most parts would be in stock or at least readily available from local parts places. I have not actually verified this for myself since I don't own one.
  • My warning to people buying an RV, particularly on a Workhorse chassis, is that while you can still get most anything for the 8.1 (or other mechanical systems on one), finding parts on the shelf is not as easy anymore as Ford engine parts. Back in the 90's I was taking a cross country trip in an old 80's vintage Slant Six Dodge van and with only 90K on it, it jumped the timing chain. Those are not "interference" engines so there was no damage other than to my wallet as I had to sit in a motel for two days while the chain was shipped in. You can't fault the part stores for not keeping stuff in stock when the vehicle is so old that they won't sell many parts for them.
  • I wouldn't hesitate to buy a class C with the Chevy engine (and chassis). My feeling is that the Chevy V8 is, broadly speaking, comparable to the Ford V10 in terms of performance, reliability, etc., and most seem to agree that the Chevy chassis and cab are in some ways a little nicer than the Ford ones.

    The new Ford V8, found in the current E series chassis, has a lot of potential to be a very good engine, too, but is somewhat unproven as yet.