How does each feel for living in it, the way you plan to use it? What works easily, what is an inconvenience or a struggle? These things have a lot more to do with satisfaction than issues like price, feature sets, or build quality (which is never very good). One our fellow camping club members downsizing from a 36-foot Class admired our Class C, bought a Forest River C with somewhat similar floor plan, then traded that for a Winnebago identical to ours, because the FR did not work out so well when actually using it. The Winnebago worked OK for the rest of their camping life.
Not about Winnebago vs FR, rather about spending some time in the RV, going through the motions of living in it, setting it up, breaking camp. We put 15 months into a search, the result was good for the remaining seven years of my wife's lifetime, although the RV is a bit excessive for my needs as a single, unless I choose to snowbird or full-time. Thus suggesting you also look forward, not just immediate uses.