Forum Discussion

Loren_Ross's avatar
Aug 22, 2019

Dash A/C Problem

Drove our 07 Southwind 32V about 90 minutes the other day and while parking, the dash air got warm and a strong burning rubber smell entered the coach. I assumed the compressor had seized and was burning the serpentine belt, so I just immediately shut the A/C down, and continued parking, leveling, etc. After everything cooled down, my son and I started checking things out and found the A/C was working perfectly. Compressor is turning fine, and the air is ice cold like always. We have 43K on the coach and have never had an A/C problem before.

Can the compressor seize and release again when it cools down? I wouldn't think that would be possible, I'd think that if the compressor seized, that would be it... Thoughts or suggestions?
  • It's really not a big deal, when you're not moving the fresh air intake get the hot engine air. My 95 Bounder does the same thing. When stopped just switch to recirculate or maximum air and all will be well.

  • Loren Ross,

    I had that same burning smell on my rig a while back when we were about 20 minutes or so from the campground. We were able to make it OK, but when I got there and started doing some snooping & internet searching, it was obvious that the problem was the A/C compressor clutch had failed.

    I think what might happen is that when the A/C is on and in demand, everything is fine, but when the compressor is supposed to disengage, the clutch is supposed to free-wheel, and THAT is where the problem lies. It doesn't free-wheel, it apparently binds and overheats. Or at least, that was the problem with mine.

    I guess it might be the compressor about ready to go, too, though I'll admit I don't have enough experience with them to know if that is a mode of failure. Maybe letting it cool down helped so it worked upon restarting. The burning rubber smell is, to me, a definite sign that something was being made to work harder than it should.

    If your motorhome is on a Workhorse Chassis, I can post some links which might be helpful for a solution. If it's on a Ford chassis, you'll have to rely on someone else for help.

    Good Luck,

  • Also check the condenser fan operation at idle. If the fan doesn't come on the compressor head pressure will rise causing it to lock up.