Forum Discussion

lacofdfireman's avatar
Aug 12, 2016

Do I need new steps? Help me decide

So we have a Coachstep 3 step on our 07 Georgetown 350DS. The steps have started to be real sluggish on retraction. Extension they do fine. Also on the very bottom step if you step on the left corner they will basically extend all the way to the ground. If you step on the right side it remains the same. I've lubed it well and replaced a few bonze bushings in the sides but it hasn't helped. Just wondering if I should just replace these as I'm afraid I'm going to show up somewhere and they will not work.

My biggest problem is I can't get it diagnosed anywhere local because they are 2-3 weeks out to even take a look. Is this something I can do on my own? I called Lippert and they told me I need to figure out what bolt pattern I have on my steps currently for mounting but I have no idea what they mean by 8"x22 or 8'x26

Lastly I'm wondering if I do swap them out if I can go from a 3 step to a 2 step? The current 3 step the 3rd step is basically on the ground. And if we pull into anywhere there is a curb out steps won't come out. It's kinda a PITA..

What should I do?
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    In addition to the 4 tension bolts that drew described there are two shear bolts or self tapping screws, one on each side of the steps. It took me a while to find one was sheared off and was causing my steps to sag on the same side.
  • Crawl under there in a way that the steps can't crush you, disconnect the electrical connector, unbolt it from the frame, put it on your picnic table, open everything you can and clean everything. Even the motor can be serviced and cleaned up, good time to check the bushing. Often just a really good bench cleaning, contact polishing, joint lube, and gear greasing can restore operation and give years of life.

    Take some pictures and show us how it goes.

    You could maybe even cut the bottom step off if you want, as long as the mechanical design allows it. Never heard of that being done, so you might be the first.
  • Take the linkage loose and see if they move smoothly with no binding.
  • Have someone check them to see if any part of the mechanism is bent or binding. Be careful when you work on the steps if they are powered. They can and will eat fingers.
  • Okay David, here is what I believe to be true either totally or at least in part. Your steps are probably powered by a AM Equipment motor. It could be a window step motor from earlier than the AM Equipment motors but without a photo or description from your manual I cannot say for sure.

    If your steps have been maintained but are sluggish it may just be the motor.

    If you will post a picture of the motor and send me a PM telling me that it has been posted I'll identify it and tell you how to proceed.

    I difficult part of this is deciding who designed it and what motor it is using.

    I'll bet you that it is the motor.

  • Clean and lube all the joints. Use compressed air or whatever it takes to get the dirt out of the joints. Use a good lubricant, not WD-40.

    Tighten all bolts and replace any that are missing.

    It's basic preventative maintenance, not rocket science.

    See if that helps.
  • For the bolt pattern, you have four bolts holding the steps onto the coach, most likely up from underneath (or down from the top with nuts underneath). It's probably necessary to extend the steps and then srunch underneath behind them to get a good view. These bolts would be arranged in a rectangle shape, with 8" between the bolts on the short side and either 22" or 26" between the bolts on the long side.