Forum Discussion

viajante's avatar
Feb 26, 2015

Dyna Beads

Just bought new tires and had Dyna Beads put in for balancing. I remember hearing that the beads come in a bag and it takes a while for the bag to disintegrate and release the beads. Is that correct ? If so, how long does it take for this to happen ?
  • I, too, like to add them to new tires after they are balanced at the dealer. That way, they can compensate for any wear through the years.

    Even Dynabeads can be defeated if the tire is grossly unbalanced side-to-side, which basically is a defective tire. This defect is sometimes indicated by a tire that takes a lot of lead weight to balance on one side of the tire but not on the other side of the tire at that spot.
  • The front tires on my Genesis are balanced with Dynabeads. They weren't in a bad...the guy at the shop scooped a handful out of a bucket and dropped them in when he mounted the tires.
  • Tires that require a lot of weight to balance are probably defective.

    When I purchase tires I tell the tire dealer I will not accept a tire that takes more than 2 ounces to balance. That is with standard pick up size.

    As for the beads I have the tire dealer do the standard balance and then I add the beads. I have had good luck this way.

    Works very well on trailer tires as the beads takes care of the trailer drums which are not balanced like the older drums on cars and trucks were.
  • cbr46 wrote:
    I tried Dyna Beads on the front and they're still out of balance. Not terribly, but still out of balance (they were really bad before).

    Had the back tires weight balanced by local Ford dealer truck shop and now they're silky smooth. They said the tires took a lot of weight to balance. Tires are DynaTrac (F&R).

    New Bilstein shocks were installed last year.

    When the weather warms up I plan to remove the Dyna Beads and weight balance the fronts.

    . . . . . or I could instal a few more ounces of Dyna Beads. I know they work for lots of folks but maybe these tires are just too much.

    - bob

    Most tires have a spot marked on them that is to be located right by the valve stem when the tires is mounted. If the tires is not aligned properly, it can take a lot of weight to balance them. Usually if a tire cannot be balanced without an excessive amount of weight, the first thing to do is to rotate the tire 180 degrees on the rim, OR insure that the tire mark was lined up with the valve core. Remember that most tires are installed by the junior "mechanics" at a shop and they are usually still in the learning phase of their employment.
  • Been using the beads for quite a few years. At first...doubtful. But what the guy said: after 5 miles or so, the bag will break and the beads will do the balance. If not happy, c'mon back and I'll balance the tires with the weights.
    Haven't been back.
    Sometimes, after siting a long time,it might take a few miles to "re-distribute" themselves. But they do work.
  • I tried Dyna Beads on the front and they're still out of balance. Not terribly, but still out of balance (they were really bad before).

    Had the back tires weight balanced by local Ford dealer truck shop and now they're silky smooth. They said the tires took a lot of weight to balance. Tires are DynaTrac (F&R).

    New Bilstein shocks were installed last year.

    When the weather warms up I plan to remove the Dyna Beads and weight balance the fronts.

    . . . . . or I could instal a few more ounces of Dyna Beads. I know they work for lots of folks but maybe these tires are just too much.

    - bob
  • You'll probably need to start and stop a few times. The first time you drive, the bag will get pinned to a portion of the tire and stay there. The first time I drove with them, I went about 7 miles and they didn't break. After I started and stopped a couple of times they broke open. I was very impressed with them.
  • If they used the larger RV specific beads, the bag will break apart after a few miles.
  • You can just drop the bag in, but I've always just opened it up and poured.

    The bag is very flimsy, as soon as you drive down the road it is going to open up.