cbr46 wrote:
I tried Dyna Beads on the front and they're still out of balance. Not terribly, but still out of balance (they were really bad before).
Had the back tires weight balanced by local Ford dealer truck shop and now they're silky smooth. They said the tires took a lot of weight to balance. Tires are DynaTrac (F&R).
New Bilstein shocks were installed last year.
When the weather warms up I plan to remove the Dyna Beads and weight balance the fronts.
. . . . . or I could instal a few more ounces of Dyna Beads. I know they work for lots of folks but maybe these tires are just too much.
- bob
Most tires have a spot marked on them that is to be located right by the valve stem when the tires is mounted. If the tires is not aligned properly, it can take a lot of weight to balance them. Usually if a tire cannot be balanced without an excessive amount of weight, the first thing to do is to rotate the tire 180 degrees on the rim, OR insure that the tire mark was lined up with the valve core. Remember that most tires are installed by the junior "mechanics" at a shop and they are usually still in the learning phase of their employment.