revump wrote:
When we built our house with a basement, a hold tank with a pump was installed to pump sewage to the house septic tank. I would like to do that for an RV pad, drain my black water tank in a holding tank and pump it to my septic tank ... any ideas would be helpful.
The only logical reason for that is that your septic tank was up hill from your house, and the leachfields line have to run down hill from the septic tank. Like sch911 said, get approval from the local authorities before you do a thing!!!
And if you can go down hill from the RV pad to the tank, you don't need a holding tank or pump!!! What ever you do don't drive or put a driveway over those lines. In many communities, the septic tank police (health department) can make you tear up the whole thing and put in a new one. And just pray that they don't require a white sand filter!!! That stuff cost like gold.