Forum Discussion

Ranger_Smith's avatar
Dec 22, 2017

Fast Ding Ding Ding Alarm on Ford Chassis

Have a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Open Road on the Ford chassis. Yesterday while pulling grade on I10 in Arizona there was an alarm that sounded with a Ding Ding Ding at a rapid rate of about 1/2 second each. This happened on 3 different occasions. Checked all Gauges . . . normal, No warning lights on dash. Was thinking maybe an overheat condition. It was only 50 outside. Was pulling grade at about 3k rpm. Any thoughts???
  • We had a similar alarm that would come on going up hill or around corners...turned out it was low fluid in the leveler container. After checking the fluid level and putting 1 1/2 quarts of fluid in the reservoir the dinging stopped.
  • If you don't have the chassis documentation, you can go online to Ford Owner Website and enter your VIN number. That will give you access to all the Ford documentation for your chassis as well as information about any recalls.
  • So I got a call from Ford. They said they have nothing on their chassis that just makes that noise. There would have been a warning light. Also Tiffin has no indication like that. The jacks down bell is different. I am stumped. It cleared itself and nothing on the diagnostic reader. Checked all fluids including hydraulic jack oil and all is fine. Go figure
  • JaxDad wrote:
    Is it the same ding-ding-ding that sounds to tell you the jacks are down?

    Mine has given me a false alarm a couple of times.

    Probably not a falsie, but just a little low on oil and maybe with the case of the OP, as well, since he's experiencing this, when off level.
    Shouldn't take much and always be sure that the jacks are up, for checking it.
  • I figured out what the alarm was when I went to dump my tanks yesterday. Apparently it was either the CO alarm or smoke detector and the sound was bouncing off the front sounding like it was under the dash.

    What happened is there was a cheap tack weld on the tail piece extension for the exhaust which brings it out past the body of the vehicle. It fell off and melted a hole in the compartment floor where my water and sewer hook ups are.The hole is the size of a softball. That could have been a disastrous fire if it got any hotter. I sent an email to Tiffin to see if I bring the RV to them they will fix it in warranty. Went to NAPA and ordered a new tail piece section and it will be in Wednesday.
  • 2016 Tiffin with a major defect like that....and life threatening too..I'm not saying it doesn't happen with any other manufacturer and practically all of them and Tiffin will make good on it....but some kind of strict quality control inspection which is done similar to the automobile industry has to take place...The RV industry has long been given a pass with life threatening defects and hiding behind bankruptcies and buyouts to let it get past the NHTSA. How many accidents could have been prevented or lives saved if it were only like that?
  • Fast dings is typically the ABS fault backup alarm, i.e. it supposed to do that if it loses continuity with the ABS warning lamp. This is so folks don't just pull a bulb instead of fixing their brakes.

    Since it's intermittent, could just be a loose connector somewhere. Or even a loose bulb, since the instrument cluster does get handles during the RV build.

    It's easy to confirm or rule that out, as a Ford dealer or good brake shop can scan for inactive ABS codes, and "lamp-fault" will save. It has to be an ABS-cabable scanner. A regular OBD2 scanner won't see those.
  • Ranger Smith wrote:
    So I got a call from Ford. They said they have nothing on their chassis that just makes that noise. There would have been a warning light. Also Tiffin has no indication like that. The jacks down bell is different. I am stumped. It cleared itself and nothing on the diagnostic reader. Checked all fluids including hydraulic jack oil and all is fine. Go figure

    Did you by any chance refer the FORD experts to the factory manual link that I gave you that specifies the AUDIBLE alarms on the Class A RV chassis?