Forum Discussion

lanerd's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 30, 2015

Fisher/Paykel Dishwasher

My friend has an 08 Monaco Dynasty with a Fisher&Paykel dishwasher that he can't seem to get to work. Lights work and we think it's getting water but not sure since we can't find the on/off valve. We've gone by the instrution manual and once everything is selected, the green light on the outside of the drawer stays solid for about 10 seconds and then goes to red and unlocks the drawer.

Any ideas?


  • F&P have a very high reputation. hen I was in the airplane industry, almost every VIP jet conversion ahd their machines in them. If the owner of a $450M executive 747 says "Fisher and Paykel", you tend to listen!
  • We called and gave them the code and they told him that it was a loose connection (either water or elect). I think he is just gonna have to have a tech come out and check it.

    Thanks anyway...appreciate it.

  • You can call Fisher Paykel. I've called them in the past (well, several years ago) and they were most helpful. My dishdrawer also acts up occasionally, but I've found it is sometimes due to the water pressure setting (my pump has a lower pressure than city water) can cause it to quit after a few seconds. I have to set it for low pressure if the water is provided by the pump.
  • If you want to know if it is getting water, go off "city" water and use water from the fresh water tank. You'll be able to hear the water pump running that way.

    My F/P dishwasher does not have any lights on the outside, so I cannot help with that part of your question.