One additional reason that you tend to see more Ford chassis RVs when Workhorse was a competitor in that market was price. We ordered our RV new and got to choose between a Ford or WH chassis. I chose the WH. At the time, the "retail" price difference between the two was about $5,000 or so, from our manufacturer. The actual price difference was about a $2,800 upcharge for the WH chassis. I gladly paid it.
At the time the WH chassis had a lower doghouse and my wife REALLY liked that. I liked the Allison transmission.
I viewed it like this: I paid $2,799.99 to keep the wife happy and I got an Allison Transmission for a PENNY!!! What a deal!!! LOL
Anyway, a lot of motorhomes are ordered by the dealership for inventory and they usually choose the least expensive chassis available as the majority of purchasers don't know, don't understand or just don't care about the differences. So to keep the price down, they order what's cheapest for their inventory.
I love my WH chassis. I love our floorplan. That said, I would put the selection of a good floorplan that will work for you OVER the choice of chassis, all other things being equal. Our rig has been going strong now for 17 seasons with 4 kids and up to 2 dogs, over the years. I wish we could use it more, and with retirement hopefully just 2 years away, I'm hoping we'll have that opportunity.
IF I ever do decide to purchase another, I'm thinking a 20 year old, gently owned, Prevost unit would just about be in my price range. Buy quality and you won't regret the purchase. :-)