Forum Discussion

fordman17's avatar
Jun 11, 2015


Using a Gen-Turi exhaust kit ,how far above the roof can it be ,will wind effect it if too high above roof ?
  • My Gen-turi is free standing on the top two sections and the wind has never been a problem. It has been in some pretty hard wind situations and no problems. I used it on Diesel gen set for several years and now that I downsized i am using it on my Class C. works great. I used it for a pattern and made one for my son using a 90 degree bend (metal) and 3 aluminum bars (1/8" x 1/4" x 8") and pop rivets. then attach to Scedual 10 pvc pipe. with 2- 3" couplings. did not even glue couplings on one end. Paint with flat black paint and wala my home made Gen-Turi and he has used it with out incident.

    Looks just like in the picture on (Tenbera's post) Great minds think alike Huh!!!!!!!!!
  • fordman17 wrote:
    My concern with the wind is mine is about 2ft above the roof and could a strong wind move it around .It only has the one support now,mabey I should add another support or cut it just above the roof .Thanks

    Mine is a home made system and is supported by the exhaust pipe and one bunji cord located about a foot below the roof. It extends about 2 feet above the roof.

    Here is a photo. Each section is a little over 3' long. I have never had a problem with wind.

  • My concern with the wind is mine is about 2ft above the roof and could a strong wind move it around .It only has the one support now,mabey I should add another support or cut it just above the roof .Thanks
  • In general, the higher, the better. Of course, you can carry this too far.
  • Depends on how high you are talking. My truck camper Ginny is in the rear, passenger side, so I attach my Gen-Turi to the vertical ladder supports. It extends about a ft above the roof line. If I wanted to extend it another 3 or 4 ft higher, I would install some support wires to the extension. Not sure why I would ever want it that high though.

    The Gen-Turi is not a direct connection from the generator exhaust pipe, but has a break to allow cooling air to be sucked into the exhaust stream going up the vertical pipe. In theory, in very cold weather, with a taller extension added on, the warm exhaust might fail to rise out the top of the pipe and try to settle down, causing the exhaust to come out at the bottom where it joins the generator exhaust pipe. Not likely but I have seen it happen with wood stoves with non-insulated stove pipes in super cold weather, as the smoke cools to the point it stops rising in the pipe and the stove stops drafting. Smoke filled house is the result.