1968mooney wrote:
ferndaleflyer wrote:
Lets be clear here---I was, as always, happy with Good Sam. They aired up my tire which I couldn't because it was off the rim (unsealed)and I could not move it in that condition. I have a huge compressor + a spare tire if that matters. And Westernparkowner Good Sam wanted to charge the $87.50 up front, not the service guy. This is always the way it has worked for me, for instance if they bring you a tire you pay for it first to Good Sam......I have never once had a complaint about Good Sam and in fact was complimenting their quick and good service.....carry on guys!!!!!
How did the tire service, get the tire to seal different than you, with your "huge compressor"?
The tire service may have had one of those inflatable tire straps that is placed around the tire and inflated with compressed air closing in on the tire and spreading the tire bead to help it seal. Or they could have sprayed starter fluid in the tire and thrown a lit match at it causing an explosion and thus seating the beads so the tire could be inflated with again compressed air. I know, I know , that's super dangerous and not smart at all, But there are those that will do it that way.