CA Traveler wrote:
My last 2 rigs had BadYear tires on them when purchased. The developed the known BadYear edge wear. No help from BadYear, never again.
Love your name for these tires. I had them on my Beaver when I bought it. The steer tire rivering problem quickly developed and Goodyear denied any blame. Said it must be my alignment. Truck alignment shop did all 3 axles and said the front was within spec but adjusted it closer to nominal. Upshot: I'll never have Goodyears on any vehicle I ever own again even if they are giving them away. Not beacuse the tires developed a rivering ware problem but because Goodyear blew me off even though it's known problem.
I've been reading this web site for many years and to be fare with Goodyear, other posters on here report other brands do develop rivering wear as well, some don't. What I have also read is that some brands mold a "decoupling groove" into the edge of the tires which prevents the rivering. I've not been able to find anybody who can confirm this or if the additional groove really works. I talked to a tire shop that does regrooving and the service manager there said he has never heard of a decoupling groove. Any thoughts?