Forum Discussion

NoSnowInAZ's avatar
Jul 29, 2016

Headlight switch for '02 Tiffin Allegro Bay

I am needing to find a replacement headlight switch for a 2002 Tiffin Allegro Bay. I have searched Workhorse and GM with no results. I believe I was told it is the same as a 1995-2005 GMC pickup. It's a rocker type with two halves, left and right side to turn on parking lights only them the other turns on everything, then pushing the bottom to shutoff all.
Any ideas where to get a new replacement?
  • Call Tiffin...Red Bay, Alabama very helpful
    And very dedicated individuals. I use them
    quiet often on my 2002 Allegro Bus with great
    results with hard to find parts.
    Good luck!
  • Tinstar wrote:
    Amazon has them. $51.81

    I'd imagine any auto parts house would too.
  • Call the Tiffin Service Department. They will have it and will ship it right to you. You will find the cost reasonable. 256-356-0261 ext 5
  • That's the one Tim!
    Good for you. Now we'll see if we can find it someplace!
    Thanks very much!
    Have a good weekend.
  • An image would help....

    Like this?

    That pops up as BWD S2135 ford GM P30.

    (Looks like a late 80's AC Delco switch. All sorts of cars used similar switches.)