No, I don't hate Cheap Heat. It is not suited to my needs. It is great if you live in a mild climate, especially if it never gets below 0 c (32 f). They used to be quite pricey--but I understand they are much more reasonable cost wise, now.
I still believe they should have a fail over to propane as part of their package, should the shore power go down. Or at least offer fail over as an "upgrade".
Seven days ago, at my current location, the shore power was out for 5 hours. In seriously cold weather that is enough to freeze the fresh water lines and the water pump. Of course that would not happen to me as my electric heat does fail over to propane. Starting Oct 14, I'll be on a two week trip with no access to 30 amp let alone 50 amp power. I'll manage just fine on two 15 amp circuits.