On the Oil Tankers that I sailed on, we replaced any hose that was out in the open every two years. Hoses that were on critical equipment such as winches, cranes etc, were replace at a minimum of two years but if any sign of deterioration on any hose all of them were replaced. Interior hosed were replaced every five years.
Now this is not what I would suggest on the average RV but I would suggest having all of them visually inspected during Tire replacement or in the case of engine mounted hoses, at every service. When were purchased our used Gas Class A, they ended up replacing ALL of the hoses on our leveling system due to the tech misdiagnosing a leak, so that was a win for us. I was also able to go under and check the job which I was glad I did as that tech had routed one hose THROUGH the left front coil spring. The owner was a really good guy and gave me permission to inspect the underside of the RV to make sure that I was satisfied. To this day, I am still surprised and impressed that he allowed me to do that.